Welcome to our Blog

This is Panda. I am a 12 yr old long-haired black and white cat. My Mom (Sherri) saved me from the Humane Society in Scottsdale, Arizona when I was 8 weeks old. She's the best mom ever. I am completely spoiled rotten but I kinda like it. I make sure that I spend a lot of time curled on Mom's feet or sleeping in her lap so she knows that I appreciate being spoiled. And I think it's so nice of her to let me have a pillow on the bed all to myself! But just so Mom feels special too I always go to sleep first curled up as close to her face as I can get. That way she won't forget me! And when she falls asleep I kinda sneak on over to my own pillow. But ssshhhh...don't tell her.

This is Seven. I am a 3 yr old long haired tabby-colored cat. A lot of people ask my Mom if I'm a Mancoon. She says she doesn't know and I'm not tellin'. All I know is I'm pretty special. I was rescued from the Humane Society in Huntersville, North Carolina when I was 7 weeks old. Panda told me that he had a brother before me named Boobookitty. Mom had Boobookitty for 19 years (wow!) and when he passed away May 7th of 2009 she was really, really sad. But Mom decided that Boobookitty's passing would save a life and so she came and got me. I think I would have liked Boobookitty - Panda says he was pretty hot stuff. My name is Seven because of the day he went to cat heaven and that makes me feel even more special. Not that I needed any help there - I am king of the world. Just ask me, I'll tell you.

So this page is all about us going on the road. We decided that we should tell the story since we all know that felines are far superior to humans. So, read our story and come along for the ride!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Florida Bound

Panda and Seven:

Oh my gosh - it has been so long since we wrote!!!

We have had a rather uneventful summer.  Mom is working ALL the time and is doing school.  She never even goes in her chat room any more.  :(  But she is looking forward to more free time once she gets to Florida.  Jarod visits us almost every day and gives us water and plays with us. Seven is starting to like him more.  Ha ha.

We leave North Carolina on September 14th to go back to Silver Palms RV Resort in Okeechobee, FL.  Our mom and Jarod are really excited to see all their friends they met last year and to have a better schedule.  They also want to go to the beach (since we aren't dogs we will pass on that frivolity.)

We are looking forward to the door being open most of the day and being able to watch what's going on outside though.  It's been CRAZY hot here in NC this summer and we will all be glad to get out of the heat.

Mom got a new job here in Charlotte and the owner has been nice enough to let her work from home so she can go to Florida with Jarod.  She's really excited because she loves her new job but didn't want to lose Jarod, so everything is working out.

We (?) are trying to get a new house on wheels.  Mom wants a motor home so we can hang out when we ride down the road.  Well, we are sure there are more important reasons, but that's the only one we care about.   She's trying to get this done before we leave for Florida but not sure that will happen.

I think that is all we have for now.  Hopefully we can write more once we get to Florida!  There will be more stories, for sure!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Florida to North Carolina with a detour

Seven and Panda:

Well, we are back at Lake Norman RV Resort in Sherrill's Ford, NC.

The trip here was kind of weird....we did an 8 hour day to get from Okeechobee, FL to Waltersboro, SC.  We got in to SC early - thank goodness - and parked in the Walmart parking lot. There were about 20 other "houses on wheels" there when we got there and within an hour there were about 40 and no more places to park.  It was crazy!  Mom and Jarod cooked dinner and hung out with the slides out and everything right there in the parking lot.

We left there the next day and drove a few hours - back in the truck we went - and stopped at this thing called a "dealer."  We had all kinds of people in and out of the house fixing things.  We stayed one night there and then all the damn walls moved again and we did another three hour trip up to NC.  We really don't like having to ride in the back of the truck like prisoners.  But mom makes sure we are very comfortable with our cat bed, litter box, food and water back there.

We are all settled in here and we like the view of the lake we have.  Things have been rough for mom since we got here but she is hoping things get better soon.  Her and Jarod had a few rocky weeks but they are doing really well now. We are glad - we like him.

We don't know where we are off to next - we hope back to Silver Palms in Florida.  There was SO much going on there and we had lots of things to see out the windows and door.

Until we next have something to report.....we say adios.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Swamp Turtles and a return to NC

Panda and Seven:

Well, we have certainly enjoyed our time here in Florida.  We have LOTS of things to see out our patio door here.  The people here are always riding their bikes, walking, or walking their dogs (yuck!) in front of our house - lots of crazy behavior to watch.  We won't even get into our Mom and how nuts she is these days or Jarod - he is beyond description.

The other day we saw a turtle walking behind our house and returning to the swamp. I bet between the two of us we could have attacked him and had dinner!

Anyway....we leave here March 28th to head back to North Carolina - Lake Norman Motorcoach Resort.  We are stopping off in South Carolina for a couple of days so mom can get some things fixed on the RV.  Then she will be managing the bar at the resort again for the summer.  

Mom also just started a new online business.  She is only a day or two into it but she is really excited about it and has started some of her marketing for it.  Check it out at:  http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/sherritrimble

That is all we have to report for now.  We aren't looking forward to being in the truck again for multiple days, but we like it when our scenery changes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Freezing Temps and How to Climb a Kennel Guard (un)Successfully


We arrived safe and sound in sunny Florida on Tuesday.  But I am not sure I like this traveling thing.

First of all....it was really, really cold in Forsyth, GA where we stayed the night on Monday night.  And the wind was blowing so hard our house was moving all over the place!  It was really scary.  And then our Mom did something really dumb (unusual for her, but it happens) - she ran the furnace off the propane, which she had filled in Kentucky before we left,  but didn't run the generator.  Well....what the hell did she think was going to power the furnace?  Since she didn't use the generator it ran off the batteries and they went dead overnight.  So we woke up in the morning and our house was 40 degrees INSIDE.  Outside, with the wind chill, we heard Jarod say it was 18 degrees.  Ummm....yeah....we don't like that so much.  When we got carried outside and put in the truck it was really cold, even with all our fur.  And the truck wasn't even warmed up yet so it wasn't much better in there.  Ugh.

Anyway - with dead batteries the slides of our house (those things that we DO NOT like moving around) wouldn't go in.  So....Jarod had to disconnect the battery from his camper and hook it up to the generator in our house so mom could start the generator to put the slides in.  It was a big mess because it was so windy and cold and not one single one of us was very happy about any part of the situation.  And our Mom cranky in the morning is NOT GOOD.  At all.  And our Mom cranky around Jarod who was less than happy too was really not good.  Luckily they both got their heads out of their human butts rather quickly and all was fine.

We were really good kitties on the first day of traveling, but by  Tuesday I was pretty much over it.  Seven was laying on the floorboard sleeping and for once in his life he was the "good kitty" and I was the "bad kitty."  I don't like being in the truck and being able to SEE my Mom but not able to TOUCH my Mom.  So I meowed.  A lot.  For the entire 10 hours.  Mom thought I wanted food and water so she put that in the back seat with us.  Nope...that wasn't it.  Then she thought I needed the litter box so she stopped again to put that in the back seat.  Nope...that wasn't it.  (Jarod watched all this with the bemused expression of "there is the crazy cat lady at it again.")  Didn't she understand I was done with being locked up behind the "cat jail" - despite the cat bed and blanket and food/water and litterbox.  I wanted to be in her lap.  Helloooo????!!!!!  I even put my paws through the cat jail fence thingy and pawed on her arms but that didn't work either.  So I tried to climb the kennel guard/cat jail/evil metal thing that kept me from my mom.  I guess I'm too old or too fat or she had that thing in there just right because that didn't work either.  So...I just kept meowing.  And meowing.  Ha.  Revenge sucks, huh mom?

All in all we had another safe, basically uneventful, successful trip.  We went almost 900 miles so it is our longest trip yet.  Our patio door is open here all the time and the weather is much, much better.  It's really pretty outside and we have lots of things to watch going on out there.  We heard mom say we are getting a "cat tent" that we can go hang out in outside but we don't have it yet.

There are rumors that we may go to Yellowstone for the summer and that trip would be three or four days.  Mom sure isn't going to like listening to me meow for four days, is she?