Seven: My Mom is on the computer ALL the time. I mean always. She works from home so from 7 am until about 7pm she is working. I've tried walking across the laptop to get her attention but all that gets me is launched across the room like pigskin on Sunday afternoon. She's got quite the arm on her - Peyton Manning watch out.
Anyway...right around 9pm she does something really bizarre (not that I don't think everything humans do is bizarre, other than opening my cat food and cleaning the poo box and rubbing my ears.) She goes on this website thingy (I think that's what she calls it) called iRV2. And then she enters another WORLD. It's a chat room, or so Panda tells me. Panda is too smart for his own good, by the way. And in this chat room are names like Poki, Okie, Reno, Skip, JAtexas, Arby, Ski, Pap (I am shortening them because it's too much for my fat paws to type) but you get the picture. So far only two have actual names - Andy and Jim - but even they have some weird stuff in their names. For crying out loud, mom's name is wheelsup711. Excuse me, it's an RV thing not a plane thing. I hope and pray to all that is holy that the wheels stay DOWN!
Panda: So here is some info I have gathered. And yes, Seven, I am way smarter than you. It comes with age. Deal with it. FC is Canadian and so is our mom so that is cool. JA has a website and OUR pictures are on there! So we really like him. Poki seems to like wine, casinos, and brazilian wax jobs (not sure about that last one.) Andy is an odd one as he is really young but he eats pizza without cheese (I mean, I'm a cat and even I know that's not normal), doesn't like football, and doesn't drink. Definitely some further research needed on Andy. Skip is "super cool car dude" with really cool cars that he takes to shows and stuff, but we heard that he paid one off twice one time. Even us cats know THAT is just silly. And apparently he has a wife and people are afraid of what might happen if her and my mom drank wine together? We aren't sure about that either. We hide under the bed when the wine bottle comes out. Arby seems to only care about boobs and scotch, but mom says he's a man and we can't expect much more than that. Old is a retired dirt track racer and since our mom is a racing fanatic she thinks that is really great. Okie claims to be 100 years old but mom says he's nuts. But Okie is a part of history - Apollo 69. Jim spent a lot of time in a faraway place called Costa Rica. Mom says it's a place that she wants to visit one day. Oh yeah, and Jim's house on wheels might be our new house on wheels some day - mom says it all depends on the timing. Not sure about "timing" as I take too many cat naps to care about the time. Someone in the room told mom that this Reno person hits things with his house on wheels ( I guess I really MUST start calling it an RV or coach before I get in trouble) but she won't say who told her or what the story is behind that one. Ski called our mom a whipper snapper one day and we both got a good giggle out of that. Mom thinks she's really old but she really has no idea, does she? There are a lot of other really nice people in there but we could only write down a few names before mom noticed us lurking and reading over her shoulder and shooed us away.
Mom says these people are all very nice and have given a lot of advice already to help us out with our move. She said the real test will come when we actually have our house on...errr....RV and she doesn't quite know where everything is and what everything does.
We think there might be a lot of wine bottles on that RV and we might spend a lot of time under the bed. Wait. What???????? We can't get under the bed? Oh this is bad. Very, very bad. Where will we go when the wine flows?
Welcome to our Blog
This is Panda. I am a 12 yr old long-haired black and white cat. My Mom (Sherri) saved me from the Humane Society in Scottsdale, Arizona when I was 8 weeks old. She's the best mom ever. I am completely spoiled rotten but I kinda like it. I make sure that I spend a lot of time curled on Mom's feet or sleeping in her lap so she knows that I appreciate being spoiled. And I think it's so nice of her to let me have a pillow on the bed all to myself! But just so Mom feels special too I always go to sleep first curled up as close to her face as I can get. That way she won't forget me! And when she falls asleep I kinda sneak on over to my own pillow. But ssshhhh...don't tell her.
This is Seven. I am a 3 yr old long haired tabby-colored cat. A lot of people ask my Mom if I'm a Mancoon. She says she doesn't know and I'm not tellin'. All I know is I'm pretty special. I was rescued from the Humane Society in Huntersville, North Carolina when I was 7 weeks old. Panda told me that he had a brother before me named Boobookitty. Mom had Boobookitty for 19 years (wow!) and when he passed away May 7th of 2009 she was really, really sad. But Mom decided that Boobookitty's passing would save a life and so she came and got me. I think I would have liked Boobookitty - Panda says he was pretty hot stuff. My name is Seven because of the day he went to cat heaven and that makes me feel even more special. Not that I needed any help there - I am king of the world. Just ask me, I'll tell you.
So this page is all about us going on the road. We decided that we should tell the story since we all know that felines are far superior to humans. So, read our story and come along for the ride!
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