Welcome to our Blog

This is Panda. I am a 12 yr old long-haired black and white cat. My Mom (Sherri) saved me from the Humane Society in Scottsdale, Arizona when I was 8 weeks old. She's the best mom ever. I am completely spoiled rotten but I kinda like it. I make sure that I spend a lot of time curled on Mom's feet or sleeping in her lap so she knows that I appreciate being spoiled. And I think it's so nice of her to let me have a pillow on the bed all to myself! But just so Mom feels special too I always go to sleep first curled up as close to her face as I can get. That way she won't forget me! And when she falls asleep I kinda sneak on over to my own pillow. But ssshhhh...don't tell her.

This is Seven. I am a 3 yr old long haired tabby-colored cat. A lot of people ask my Mom if I'm a Mancoon. She says she doesn't know and I'm not tellin'. All I know is I'm pretty special. I was rescued from the Humane Society in Huntersville, North Carolina when I was 7 weeks old. Panda told me that he had a brother before me named Boobookitty. Mom had Boobookitty for 19 years (wow!) and when he passed away May 7th of 2009 she was really, really sad. But Mom decided that Boobookitty's passing would save a life and so she came and got me. I think I would have liked Boobookitty - Panda says he was pretty hot stuff. My name is Seven because of the day he went to cat heaven and that makes me feel even more special. Not that I needed any help there - I am king of the world. Just ask me, I'll tell you.

So this page is all about us going on the road. We decided that we should tell the story since we all know that felines are far superior to humans. So, read our story and come along for the ride!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spider on the Dashboard

I'm not a girly-girl.  I've always been a tomboy.  I don't mind snakes, bugs, scorpions, and critters.  But I really don't like spiders.  Really, really, really don't like spiders.  I mean....YUCK!

So...I was making a trip to Black Mountain, NC two weekends ago.  Motoring along minding my own business and happily listening to the ipod and staring sedately out the windshield.  All of a sudden I caught movement out of the corner of my eye.  It was a spider - in my car!  Hopping a free ride to who-knows-where it thought I was going??!!!??  I grabbed the MapQuest directions and swatted it off the windshield.  Since I was doing roughly 70mph at this time I was praying I hadn't flicked the darn thing straight into my hair or something (shudder.)  Problem solved.

Roughly 30 minutes later and with about 3 diet cokes going through my system, I was going more like 80mph down I-40 in a serious bathroom quest.  As I glanced down to confirm my speed there sat the spider - right at the 70mph mark.  I'm not sure but I think the arrogant little arachnid gave me the finger with one of his legs.   He was baby-poop yellow and not very big but it was still a spider.  And he was supposed to be squished the first time.  And where are Seven and Panda when you need them?  Bug control is their JOB.

In my blissful ignorance and hurry to get to my destination I didn't notice the lack of spider-goo on the MapQuest directions.  Obviously no spider-goo means no dead spider.  Lack of spider-goo means live spider still moseying around the car at free will.  This is not acceptable to me.

So I looked down to get something to smash him with.   But as I was looking down to deal with my little arachnid issue I drew up very quickly upon the back end of a UPS truck.  Very quickly.  Anyone who tells you that when facing possible death or dismemberment your life flashes before your eyes - lied.  All I thought was "oh crap, this is going to hurt AND leave a mark."  Thank heavens my reaction time to the back end of a UPS truck is as quick as my reaction to a spider.  I smashed the brake pedal to the floor and bless the Princess (the Hummer) and her 4-wheel drive and her anti-lock brakes and traction control as she gracefully slowed herself with a few inches to spare.  I take back every bad thing I said about Princess and the kick to the tire I gave her when she decided to blow a fuse and not start a few weeks ago.

So...with disaster and doom avoided I grabbed my book and smashed the crap out of that spider, right there on the speedometer glass.  NOW I have spider-goo.  NOW I know it's dead.  I thought about cleaning off the speedometer during my bathroom break but decided to leave the little spider splatter and remains there as a badge of honor. I wanted to know that for one brief second my hand was the Spider Hand of God that brought enlightenment down upon the little beast.  Sherri, Spider Warrior Princess.

Sorry God, sorry Buddha for killing a living creature.  He should have taken the train.

Oh yeah...I did end up wiping the spider-goo off the glass.

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