Friday June 3rd 5am - mom wakes up and takes a whole lot of stuff down three flights of stairs to the truck. She is gone until 8pm - then she pulls up with the trailer! Then her and Dad and our grandma Linda load stuff into the trailer until about 10pm. Then they left us home all alone! They stayed in the new house in the Lowe's parking lot. Guess they have a "generator" (what's that?!!!) and can stay anywhere! They came back at 6:30 am Saturday and took showers (mom forgot to switch water heater from electric to gas.....oops) then we got locked in the guest room while they had their last garage sale. They cleaned the entire apartment and took about 20 loads of stuff down the stairs today! Then mom went and hooked up the new trailer (again) and came and got us and we all left for Mooresville. Mom backed the trailer in "blind" with some assistance from the campground manager thank goodness. She said she couldn't see the pad until she was 75% on it cuz she had to back in using just the right mirror! Me and Panda were kinda impressed, to be honest.
Anyway, we have our new house! We have sniffed and checked out and crawled in, on, or around every square inch of it and we like it. And mom is sitting in her bathrobe drinking a glass of wine and talking to all the fabulous, wonderful people at iRV2 who helped her get here and says she has never been happier. Dad is passed out in a coma in the recliner and told mom he wasn't moving no matter what. Mom and Dad and grandma have worked really hard and we are all super, super, super happy with our house and life!
Welcome to our Blog
This is Panda. I am a 12 yr old long-haired black and white cat. My Mom (Sherri) saved me from the Humane Society in Scottsdale, Arizona when I was 8 weeks old. She's the best mom ever. I am completely spoiled rotten but I kinda like it. I make sure that I spend a lot of time curled on Mom's feet or sleeping in her lap so she knows that I appreciate being spoiled. And I think it's so nice of her to let me have a pillow on the bed all to myself! But just so Mom feels special too I always go to sleep first curled up as close to her face as I can get. That way she won't forget me! And when she falls asleep I kinda sneak on over to my own pillow. But ssshhhh...don't tell her.
This is Seven. I am a 3 yr old long haired tabby-colored cat. A lot of people ask my Mom if I'm a Mancoon. She says she doesn't know and I'm not tellin'. All I know is I'm pretty special. I was rescued from the Humane Society in Huntersville, North Carolina when I was 7 weeks old. Panda told me that he had a brother before me named Boobookitty. Mom had Boobookitty for 19 years (wow!) and when he passed away May 7th of 2009 she was really, really sad. But Mom decided that Boobookitty's passing would save a life and so she came and got me. I think I would have liked Boobookitty - Panda says he was pretty hot stuff. My name is Seven because of the day he went to cat heaven and that makes me feel even more special. Not that I needed any help there - I am king of the world. Just ask me, I'll tell you.
So this page is all about us going on the road. We decided that we should tell the story since we all know that felines are far superior to humans. So, read our story and come along for the ride!
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